The Victorian Radiation Act 2005 (the Act) has the objective of protecting the health and safety of persons and the environment from the harmful effects of radiation. DHHS administers this legislation.
The Department sets out the mandatory radiation incident reporting requirements to which holders of management licences issued by DHHS are subjected.
A management licence holder authorised to conduct a medical radiation practice is required to report any human diagnostic procedure other than as prescribed that could lead to an effective dose exceeding 1 millisievert (mSv), including wrong patient, or wrong body part examined.  The most common reportable radiation incidents are:

  • A worker, patient or a member of the public has or may have received an unplanned or abnormal exposure to ionising radiation, other than a justified medical exposure, exceeding 1 mSv total effective dose.
  • Any human diagnostic procedure other than as prescribed that could lead to an effective dose exceeding 1 mSv (including wrong patient, or wrong body part examined).
  • Any unplanned exposure to a child (under 18 years old).
  • Any unplanned exposure to a pregnant female

MPS can provide you with a radiation dose assessment for the DHHS reportable radiation incident form, internal risk management system, as well as recommended wording for the patient file, where appropriate.